Tuesday, October 21, 2014

BIBLE, Too Much??

In Gospel Worship, Jeremiah Burroughs talks about hearing the Word as part of worship. In this he gives us different steps to help us worship in hearing the Word. Two of the things he mentioned really made me do some serious thinking and even gave me some conviction. The first one that caught my eye is that “there must be an attending to the Word of God.” (162) Burroughs goes on to say that in order for us to be attending the Word we must have vulnerable heart. This alone was enough to make me wonder if this is something that I do regardless if it is in church, my personal devotions, or even for chapel. The second thing I had to contemplate is his third point: “the careful applying of the Word.”(162) He also continues on to say: “Now God speaks to your hearts. You should apply it.”(163) This is something I am still wrestling with. I know that I should apply what I am being taught. Too often I become caught up in just getting through another class and assignment instead of using the Bible classes I am in and applying, what I am being taught to my life. Why is it that Believers, including myself, get all of this knowledge and things from the Bible and yet we don’t use it to become more like Christ? Can we ever be taught too much? I wonder if the atmosphere of being in Bible classes, going to church, then having chapel, and both dorm and personal devotions can actually make it harder for someone to truly let the Bible and God’s word come into our hearts.

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