Monday, September 1, 2014

Quiz 1

Foundation and Issues in Worship

Quiz – September 1, 2014


GW pp. 12-23

GPTG pp. 17-32

FRIWMFTT “Fools Rush In Where Monkeys Fear to Tread”


1. (T or F) James Montgomery Boice, not long before his death, noticed an increase in significant prayer in evangelical churches during corporate worship service. (18)


2-3. J.M.B mentioned 4 other elements “that have always been associated with God’s worship” that were, in his opinion, fading away. Name two of them. (19-20)


4. Which Puritan does J.M.B. mention whose 6 volume commentary on the Bible was the product of his Scripture readings, not his sermons? (19)

A. Matthew Morris (aka Matty B.)  B. Matthew Perry C. Matt (Matthew) Maher

D. Matthew Henry


5-6. “If we are to live and worship together _____, then what shall be the basis and pattern? The only answer for the evangelical Christian is _____. (20)


A. Sola Scriptura

B. Sola Gratia

C. Sola Fide

D. Solus Christus

E. Soli Deo Gloria


7-8. Which two of these four ingredients of corporate worship will vary or be given to human discretion in the corporate worship of God?

A. Substance B. Elements C. Form of the elements D. Circumstances (23)


9. What is the key benefit of the regulative principle? (24)

A. Worship bands will be disbanded B. Hymnbooks will disappear C. Assures us that God, not man, is the supreme authority for how God is to be worshipped D. Tattoos and Ear Gauges will flourish, ensuring greater “authenticity” among the congregation.


10-13. Define the following by matching with the ethical action its definition:


10. Standard          A. Glorifying and Enjoying God

11. Dynamic            B. The Bible

12. Motivation        C. Christian Worship (The grace of the Holy Spirit)

13. Goal                    D. Gratitude for grace, a passion for God


14-15. Place the below ethical actions (also 10-13 above) into two pairs (one point for each pair). First, the pairs that evangelicals emphasize. Second, the pair that evangelicals deemphasize.







16. Cain and Abel

17. The Story of the Exodus

18. The First and Second Commandments


A. God alone and not according to our own categories and designs, but rather on his own terms and by his own revelation

B. One offering was accepted, one was not   

C. The exceeding importance that God attaches to corporate worship


19. (T or F) “A gracious heart will see the truth through a very little crevice.” (GW 18)


20. ( T or F) The man who is appointed to reveal God’s wrath needs to conceal his own.       (GW 22-23)





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