Tuesday, September 2, 2014

An Idol Factory Trying to Worship

Throughout all the reading that we have done thus far we have continually read; “the Bible is to be the rule for how we worship the Lord”. This is a statement that I have always agreed with this statement; I mean it makes sense because otherwise I will be chasing the wind in worship. But where it hit home is the contrast of “worlds” that are battling here… Calvin said that our hearts are idol factories, yet we are called to use the standard that is set in the Word of God. And here is the dilemma… “There is two ways to commit idolatry worshiping something other than God or worshiping God in the wrong way (pg. 33 GPTG). That is why my heart is so dangerous. So, as I move through school (and a question to all of us); what am I creating as an innovation and a new cool thing and in reality it is a simple idol? The ramification for making an error was not well for Aaron’s sons and will not be for us either. So I pray that me as a humble servant will be laid bare before my almighty Creator and let Him destroy my idols so I may worship Him in spirit and in truth.

The Question: What idols are we creating that we are coloring as true ways to worship?

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