Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fearful and Intentional Worship

In this week’s reading of Gospel Worship, I found a few things that I have never really seen before.  The first thing that really caught my eye was the fact that we are not truly glorifying God unless we come to Him with fear and reverence for His name.  (pg.93) I found it interesting that Jeremiah Burroughs mentioned that the fear of God is often what is referred to as worship in the Bible.  The author also mentions that the fear we are to have for God is a fear that should be with us always.
                Something else that really stood out to me in this week’s reading would be the “duties of God’s worship must be full of strength”. (pg. 96-100) This concept that Burrough’s brings up is more or less new to me, but it is mainly the first strength that still has me thinking. Obviously I always knew that worship was something serious and that we should be prepared for God’s worship, however, I never really thought about why or I guess even how to worship. The first strength that Burroughs mentions is the strength of intention. This made me think about all of the intentions I have that are not focused around God’s worship. If we are supposed to be coming into God’s presence with fear and reverence for His great name why do we struggle from a day to day basis of not being intentional with our worship?

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